Oh my, where has the time gone?

 Well, so much for blogging more regularly!  Ha ha ha

However, I have not been idle at all.

Since my last post I have read EIGHT books!

This is the first in a series that my librarian referred me to. It is another cozy murder with a supernatural twist, plus a love story.  It was easy reading and the characters are very relatable.

Since the main character owns a knitting shop there are knitting tips and tricks included at the end of the book.

I have already gotten the next book in the series to read.

I could definitely recommend this series….plus the author has other books so I plan to check them out as well.

Again, a cozy murder series, this one has the main character owning a couture dress shop in Victorian era England.

This was an audio book and the reader was very good.

I enjoyed this book also, although the back story for the main character was hinted at without actually explaining it.  That caused the interaction between the main character and one of the secondary characters seem a little weird.

I would recommend this and plan on reading more books in this series.

Surprise! Not a cozy mystery!

This is the sequel to The Sweetgum Knit Lit Society that I read earlier this year.  It is Christian fiction written by a minister.

I enjoyed both books but feel that the first book was more cohesive than the second.  This book felt a little rushed and not as well written as the first.

When I looked to see if there was a third book in the series I didn’t find any.  However, it seems that both this book, and the first one, are being republished with different titles.  That seems a bit of a “cop out” to me.

These five books are all from the same cozy murder mystery series that I have gotten hooked on.

These were all great and I love how good some of the included recipes sound. I have copied some of them so that I can try them.

I would definitely recommend this series, but I would suggest that they be read in order.  Because of availability I read some of them out of order….and it was a little weird since it felt that I was doing “flashbacks”.

Lest you think that all I have been doing is reading…..

This is a bookmark that I made as an entry for the first challenge from Project Quilting (Kim Lapacek). The challenge was birdhouse.  Since the entry had to be completely finished I had to do something easy since my sewing room is still not done.

These are soap sacks and prayer squares that I have been working on for donation through the Cosby Community Stitchers.

This group is the group that started as a knitting class at our library, Cosby Community Library.

Since the beginning of the year I have made 15 soap sacks and 41 prayer squares for donation.

I have also made 55 granny square blocks.  These are joined into lap throws or blankets for donation also.

This is a sample of a project that will be used in October at the retreat we attend at New Like Island in Frenchtown, NJ. This year the theme is about using up your scraps.

The design was a tutorial that I watched on YouTube….but I can’t remember the name. It is a fun pattern.

The woman who runs the knitting classes also provides card making classes through the library.  These are two of the cards we recently made.

I have loved making the cards and could definitely see myself getting hooked on card making….but since I already have a couple of expensive hobbies I am resisting the urge.

Hopefully my next post won’t be so delayed.

St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and the first day of Spring are right around the corner….hope you enjoy them.

Take care,

Sherry V


  1. At first I thought you've been reading a lot! Then I saw all your crochet, sewing and card projects!!! You go, girl!!!


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