
WOW, April just flew by!

 April was a pretty busy month…..hence no blog post. Part of my month was spent in Cadiz, KY attending the AQS Paducah quilt show. It was the first time for both hubby and I and the quilts were drop dead gorgeous.  I don’t have any pictures, but you can check out YouTube for videos from the show. I did get to Hancock’s the day before the show started. Oh my goodness……so much fabric!  We wandered around the store and did pick up some pieces….mainly “junk food” fabric for me and truck and farm fabric for hubby.  I want to make a “junk food” quilt as a contrast to the fruit and veggies quilt that I made for hubby. We also went to the National Quilt Museum.  Again, this was a first for both of us.  There was an exhibit of quilts made by “the quilting astronaut “, Karen Nyberg, that was really interesting.   The gift shop had several patterns that she designed available for purchase.  I was tempted, but the one that was marked “beginner” level was appliqué….which I am not a fan of. And the

Sewing and more reading

 Since my last post my husband finished painting the basement floor on my side so we were able to start setting up my sewing studio.  I’ll show pictures once it is a bit more finished. Here is a pillowcase that I made.  My brother in law likes Florida sports teams.  So when I went on a FART (fabric acquisition road trip) with several of the ladies from my guild I found this fabric for the Florida Gators.  I thought it was fun and tried to reach my sister to see if she thought it would work. I didn’t hear back from her until after I had the fabric cut……Gators is one Florida team that is not liked! LOL So, brother in law won’t be getting this… might go to my husband’s grandson (he lives in Florida). As for the rest of the Gators fabric……well it will probably go into a charity quilt. I don’t know if you can see it when zooming in on the picture, but the accent band has the word, touchdown, on it repeatedly.  I thought it was a fun touch. Out guild had a class for making X and + sign b

Oh my, where has the time gone?

 Well, so much for blogging more regularly!  Ha ha ha However, I have not been idle at all. Since my last post I have read EIGHT books! This is the first in a series that my librarian referred me to. It is another cozy murder with a supernatural twist, plus a love story.  It was easy reading and the characters are very relatable. Since the main character owns a knitting shop there are knitting tips and tricks included at the end of the book. I have already gotten the next book in the series to read. I could definitely recommend this series….plus the author has other books so I plan to check them out as well. Again, a cozy murder series, this one has the main character owning a couture dress shop in Victorian era England. This was an audio book and the reader was very good. I enjoyed this book also, although the back story for the main character was hinted at without actually explaining it.  That caused the interaction between the main character and one of the secondary characters seem

More books read

 Well I have been doing more reading…..just finished this book today I really enjoy the Elm Creek Quilts series and wish that there were more; however, I understand that as an author you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. I have read a number of Jennifer Chiaverini’s other novels and have found them enjoyable so I can recommend her to other readers. I also “read” this book this month.  I took the audio book out of my “virtual” library and listened to it while I was working on organizing some of my scrap fabric. I enjoyed the beginning of the book….but it seemed to take forever to go anywhere and by the time the murderer was revealed I was about ready to give up. I know that authors sometimes let their personal feelings out on the pages of their books….and most times I am able to get past them.  However, with this book the social commentary was just a bit too over the top for me.  I read for enjoyment…..and I don’t think I will be searching out any additional books written by this a

Books and yarn

 Well I have started out 2024 pretty well. I completed this shawl that I found while unpacking boxes.  I have no idea when I started it, but it is completed now…except for hiding the yarn joins.  I am keeping this one for me. I have also been getting in a bit of reading time.  I have completed two books so far….. This is a cozy murder mystery where the heroine is a cookie shop owner.  I found it easy reading and liked the character development.  This book also had a novella in the back that was a quick 111 page read. The other thing that I really enjoyed is that there were recipes sprinkled throughout the book.  I copied several of them to try before Christmas so that I may be able to put more variety into my cookie tin gifts for friends and family. The librarian at my local library said that she has a friend that has read the series and made several recipes.  It seems that she was happy with the results. This was the first book I read, all in one day.  The writing style was very enjoy

It has been quite a while…..

 I hadn’t planned on taking such a long break from blogging…..but things have been a bit crazy. A. In March 2020 I was “downsized” from the job that I had for almost 25 years.  Of course I think part of the issue was due to B.   Covid 19 shut almost everything down.  So I was out of a job and had no real options of getting a job. C.   In early 2021 I found another position.  It required on site work, which was fine.  But it felt surreal to be driving to work when there were so few cars on the roads. D.   In November 2021 we broke ground for a new home.  We had purchased the property in 2019 without having a real plan of when we would move forward.  After Covid we decided to get “our ducks in a row” and move forward. E.   There were issues with our builder, which I really don’t want to go into.  Suffice it to say that he walked off the job on May 31, 2023 without finishing the house. After spending over four months living in our travel trailer we moved into the house….without a kitchen

Welcome to my blog

Thank you for stopping by......I hope that you will enjoy seeing what I am working on. My stitching runs the gamut of crochet, quilting, cross stitch and black work. Here are two recent finishes: This is an Easy Basket made from a tutorial on  ..... This next item is a table topper from a kit I have had for a while.  It is called Minnesota Star Topper and the pattern is from Fabrics Plus in Marshall, MN. The kit came with enough fabric for the top, backing and binding. I just need to cut the batting and get it quilted. I hope you enjoy visiting my blog and seeing what I come up with top make. Have a lovely day, Sherry V.