Books and yarn

 Well I have started out 2024 pretty well.

I completed this shawl that I found while unpacking boxes.  I have no idea when I started it, but it is completed now…except for hiding the yarn joins.  I am keeping this one for me.

I have also been getting in a bit of reading time.  I have completed two books so far…..

This is a cozy murder mystery where the heroine is a cookie shop owner.  I found it easy reading and liked the character development.  This book also had a novella in the back that was a quick 111 page read.

The other thing that I really enjoyed is that there were recipes sprinkled throughout the book.  I copied several of them to try before Christmas so that I may be able to put more variety into my cookie tin gifts for friends and family.

The librarian at my local library said that she has a friend that has read the series and made several recipes.  It seems that she was happy with the results.

This was the first book I read, all in one day.  The writing style was very enjoyable.  It is about a group of women that knit at a church and how they are going through struggles and try to help each other.

There were a lot of characters to keep track of and in the beginning I had a little bit of trouble keeping them all straight….but it all worked out.

There was a knitted shawl pattern included in the book that seemed to be good for beginners and/or more experienced stitchers that want a “mindless” project.

I would definitely recommend both books.

I have taken out two other books from the library and started an audiobook so there should be more reviews soon.

Take care,



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